

It is natural for us to seek support from the people around us, especially when we starting to take decisions that seem scary. When people believe in us, it feels us with more hope because we start to believe that they see great potential. Even when you have the confidence yourself, there is motivation in knowing that there is someone else either than you you who believes in you too. The problem though is that not all of us have the pleasure to have someone close to us believe in the things that we want to do, some of us just have people who criticize us and demotivate the fighting spirit inside you. This makes it really hard for us to move forward with what we wish to do because we start to wonder why these people demotivated us, we start to question our abilities and we end up doubting ourselves. When this feeling starts kicking in, you need to remember one thing, your ability to achieve something is not dependent on what people say. People don't know your capabilities as much as...


Life is too short to allow people to treat you less than how you should actually be treated. People are quick to identify your weaknesses and use these weaknesses to take advantage of you. In most cases, people realise that you kind and start to abuse your kindness. They know that no matter how badly they treat you, you will always forgive them because you are naturally a kind person. It is very important to know that sometimes people genuinely make mistakes and really ask for forgiveness probably because they have learnt from their mistakes and now they know better, these people do deserve a second chance to prove themselves and need to be separated from the kindness abusers. A 'kindness abuser' as I call them, will make a mistake and apologise to you too, but the difference is the kindness abusers only says the things to manipulate and trick you into believing that they are genuinely apologising to you. It is very hard to identify a kindness abuser at first because they seem ...


It won't happen over night. Today I just want to remind you that things won't get resolved immediately. It always takes time for the right pieces to fall into place. It is not about fast you cam get, but it's about arriving. It's about reaching the end. Sometimes it may feel like things are moving slow or like they not moving at all. Sometimes it may look like you are stuck in one place and you don't even have the energy to try to move. But always remember there is light at the of the tunnel, so if all you see is darkness it means you are not in the end. Your journey has a happy ending, your hard work will payoff. Your prayers will be answered, your dreams will come true. It just won't happen of night. It won't happen in a blink of an eye and it certainly won't happen at the beginning if the journey. So dont rush It, don't force It, don't cheat it and don't take shortcut. Just walk forward, no matter how long it is, no matter how far you have...

There is light at the end of the tunnel

The journey you are on is going to be a very long one. One filled with  uncertainties. Uncertainties that could make or break you. It is going to be a tough journey. You are going to cry. You going to laugh. You are going to regret taking this journey. You going to feel the need to give up. You going to feel like nothing is working out. You will feel lost. Darkness will be all around you. When you try to reach out to people, they will turn their backs on you. Your friends will friends no more. Cousins will become strangers. So prepare yourself. Whatever journey you want to start, be ready for it. Be ready for all the stones that may be thrown in front of you. Be ready for the storm that will slow you down. Be ready for curves you have to take. Be ready to lose. But most important of all be ready to win. The journey you take also promises joy. It will lead to happiness. It will lead to success. It will lead to self confidence. The journey will reveal your true friends. It will revea...


Sometimes it feels like there is this dark cloud over you, surrounding you with nothing but darkness. You start to feel weak because you can't even see which direction will lead you to the light. Sometimes no matter how much we try and how hard we work it feels like when we take one step forward we also take two steps back.  We lose the reason to fight, we start believing that it will end in failure and we lose hope. This is the time we should call on God the almighty the most. Praying heals your emotional wounds and restores your hope, because you start to believe that the power bigger than yours will take care of the situation that is making you weak. Prayer rebuilds the inner you, giving you strength and the mindset to believe that nothing can knock you out. So pray, ask God for strength. Ask the Lord to show you the right path that will lead you to the light. Don't be discouraged when you feel like it takes long for your prayers to be answered  just keep believing that the...


A wise man once said don't leave to tomorrow something that you can do today. Our biggest problem is that we actually believe that there is a tomorrow to procrastinate things to, but what if there is no tomorrow? What if today is the last day? you could actually miss an opportunity just because you chose to leave it to the future that you don't even know if it will exist or not. If you have a chance to do it today, do it.  Learn to take opportunities when they present themselves because once you loose that opportunity you won't get it again and you can only live in regret. Remember there will never be this day again, this second, this minute, once it passes it is gone forever.  So fight procrastination. Fight leaving goals to tomorrow. Fight laziness and do it today, for we are not promised a tomorrow.


If you limit what they know about you, you limit what they can say about you.  The biggest challenge I ever faced when I tried following my dreams was people who constantly told me that I couldn't do it and not just with their words but also with their actions. This is one of the hardest things I had to overcome because it really messed up my self-esteem and confidence, I started feeling like maybe I am missing weaknesses  that a lot of people saw about me and it made me think I was not capable of achieving my goals. The feeling got even worse when despite what they say I still push to achieve my goals but end up failing, it felt like people laughed at me about how I didn't listen to them in the first place. People don't realise how much what they say affects the next person especially someone fragile like me, if easily creates self doubt and decreases self confidence. The worse part is that the people that treat us this way are the people that we actually trust...

God will always find a way

  God is patient no matter how long it takes he will keep teaching us lessons until we learn. I believe that when God puts us in a certain situation he already planned how to get us out of that situation but he works in ways that are not so obvious to us, he will find another way, a way that in order for us to understand we have seek deep within ourselves. My favorite line is " God won't move the mountain for you but he will give you the strength to climb". If there is a mountain in front of you,the obvious solution is that you will expect the mountain to move so you can see the other side but that's not how God works because if he just moves the mountain for you then you won't learn anything, you won't learn to value your  life or your strength or your abilities.  The things that we Pray for, the fancy cars, the big houses, degrees and success, God won't just bring them to our door steps but he finds a way to make us get those things.  So seek...


This world is filled with different kinds of people who have different preferences, desires and problems, but regardless of all our differences I believe that we can all agree that growing up is hard.  Growing up means you have to take responsibility of every action you take whether good or bad, even though that is hard on its on own, you also have to constantly deal with judgemental people who dwell on your mistakes and bad decisions and try to use it to break your spirit. It might be your neighbors, your friends, your colleagues or even your family members. Such people make it hard for you to move on from your mistakes. All they trying to do is to make lose your focus, whether you believe it or not there are People, most likely close to you who just want to see you fail. This post to reach to the people who are currently going through This, I need you guys to remember that mistakes are part of growing up, never allow someone, anyone to use who you were in the past or what you did...


 Hello you guys, I would like to start this blog by thanking you all for taking your time to read my blog. Words cannot show how grateful I am thank you. For those of you who follow my blog from Facebook Charlotte's Diary, you guys pretty much already know what the blog is about. I started a blog late last year so I can deal with a lot of challenges that I was facing and some of which I still am. These include depression, anxiety, fear of being judged and finding and rebuilding my spirituality. The blog is really about building me but thousands of people also benefit from my posts, and that is why I decided to grow my audience.  Hope you will enjoy❤❤❤