If you limit what they know about you, you limit what they can say about you.

 The biggest challenge I ever faced when I tried following my dreams was people who constantly told me that I couldn't do it and not just with their words but also with their actions. This is one of the hardest things I had to overcome because it really messed up my self-esteem and confidence, I started feeling like maybe I am missing weaknesses  that a lot of people saw about me and it made me think I was not capable of achieving my goals. The feeling got even worse when despite what they say I still push to achieve my goals but end up failing, it felt like people laughed at me about how I didn't listen to them in the first place.

People don't realise how much what they say affects the next person especially someone fragile like me, if easily creates self doubt and decreases self confidence. The worse part is that the people that treat us this way are the people that we actually trust to support us, the family, friends and the neighbours. This makes us feel alone because how can a person you don't know support when your own family doesn't.

Finding motivation when surrounded by such people is really hard but that does not mean you have to give up on trying to make your dreams come true, you just have to learn to pick yourself up because no one else will. The thing that is weighing you down is that you expect people to understand how important your dreams are but the truth is no one will ever value your dreams the way that you will value your dreams, so stop expecting everyone to understand. They won't. 

I realised that the best way to decrease the negative influence that people has over you is for you to share less about your plans, dreams and challenges, see the more people know about what is going on in your life the more they try to find fault in the moves you make, only share with people that support you and if they happen to criticize you they do it in a positive way.

Once you decrease the negative energy around you, you will realise that your dreams are achievable if you work hard even if there are possible challenges ahead.

People will never stop trying to bring you down, but if you limit what they know about you, you limit what they can say about you. So work in silence and let your success do the talking.


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