
Showing posts from February, 2021


It is natural for us to seek support from the people around us, especially when we starting to take decisions that seem scary. When people believe in us, it feels us with more hope because we start to believe that they see great potential. Even when you have the confidence yourself, there is motivation in knowing that there is someone else either than you you who believes in you too. The problem though is that not all of us have the pleasure to have someone close to us believe in the things that we want to do, some of us just have people who criticize us and demotivate the fighting spirit inside you. This makes it really hard for us to move forward with what we wish to do because we start to wonder why these people demotivated us, we start to question our abilities and we end up doubting ourselves. When this feeling starts kicking in, you need to remember one thing, your ability to achieve something is not dependent on what people say. People don't know your capabilities as much as...


Life is too short to allow people to treat you less than how you should actually be treated. People are quick to identify your weaknesses and use these weaknesses to take advantage of you. In most cases, people realise that you kind and start to abuse your kindness. They know that no matter how badly they treat you, you will always forgive them because you are naturally a kind person. It is very important to know that sometimes people genuinely make mistakes and really ask for forgiveness probably because they have learnt from their mistakes and now they know better, these people do deserve a second chance to prove themselves and need to be separated from the kindness abusers. A 'kindness abuser' as I call them, will make a mistake and apologise to you too, but the difference is the kindness abusers only says the things to manipulate and trick you into believing that they are genuinely apologising to you. It is very hard to identify a kindness abuser at first because they seem ...